A brief introduction to Intellectual Property

A concise introductory guide to Intellectual Property for Business Technologists, Policymakers, Legal personnel, Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Creators, CEOs and ordinary citizens.

ᗰṳhumuzå ₱ɨuṩ
9 min readMay 24, 2023


The earliest mentions of Intellectual Property (IP) began as early as 500 BCE in Sybaris, a Greek state where citizens could obtain and be granted a one-year patent for “any new refinement in luxury.”

In the ensuing centuries, Patent, trademark, and copyright laws among other intellectual Property have since become more complex but the intent remains the same. Countries establish intellectual property laws to foster creativity and to make it possible for the inventor to reap the benefits of their ingenuity.


Intellectual Property Management now plays a vital role in economic growth, fostering innovation, artistic creations, and business legal proceedings. Ownership rights in copyrights, trademarks, and patents among other Intellectual Property has evolved over the years.

Throughout centuries of development and innovation, Intellectual Property as we know it today has undergone a lot of adjustments thus providing inventors, innovators, and creators with multiple options to protect it.

What is Intellectual Property?

Intellectual Property (IP) refers to creative works or intangible creations of the human intellect like;- literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names and images used in business that are a result of an individual’s original creativity (the creations of one’s creative mind) for which legal rights arise or are granted.

An idea in someone’s mind is not Intellectual Property.

Identifying Intellectual Property & protecting it begins with an individual or entity considered the creator of creative works gaining rights over their creative works which is called Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

The A Brief History of Intellectual Property.

The complex and fascinating history of Intellectual property (IP) arguably began way back in the 6th Century BC, at the time when it became possible for citizens to obtain a one-year patent for “any new refinement in luxury” a period within which the profits arising were secured to the inventor of the patent. Read;A Brief History of Intellectual Property.

What is Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)?

Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are the rights given to creators of intellectual property. These rights can be used to prevent others from using or copying the creator’s work without permission.

IPRs can be registered with a government agency, in a given country (here in Uganda; — URSB), state or even internationally(WIPO).

Intellectual Property Rights are protected through Intellectual Property Law with the help of components like; — patents, copyright, trademarks and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they have created for a certain period of time.

What is Intellectual Property Law (IPL)?

Intellectual property law is a body of law that protects the rights of creators of intellectual property. It includes laws on patents, copyright, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property.

Some of the components of Intellectual Property are;-


A patent is a legal document that gives an inventor the exclusive right to make, use, sell, and offer to sell the invention for a period of 20 years. This incentivizes inventors to invest the time and money necessary to develop new products and services.

Patents are granted for inventions that are new, useful, and non-obvious, therefore it’s important to consult with experienced patent legal personnel when considering filing for a patent.

Without patents, inventors would risk having their inventions copied unlawfully making it difficult to recoup their investment in time, research and development.


A copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to copy, distribute, adapt, display, perform creative work, and create derivative works of the copyrighted work usually for a limited time, — a period of the author’s life plus 70 years, after which it goes to the public domain. The duration of copyright protection varies from country to country.

Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Original works of authorship can be books, music, movies, and software among other things.


Trademarks are granted for words, phrases, symbols, or designs that are used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one party from the goods or services of others. Trademarks can be registered for a period of 10 years, and they can be renewed indefinitely.

Trademarked words, names, and symbols are valuable business assets which can help businesses build strong brand recognition distinguishing their products or services from those of their competitors. This can help attract customers commanding a huge market share for products or services on the market.

Trade Secrets

Trade Secrets are any confidential information that gives a business an advantage over its competitors. Trade secrets can include formulas, recipes, customer lists, and business plans.

Unlike, IPs, such as Patents and Copyrights which require disclosure in order to be granted protection for a period of time against competitors, Trade Secrets can be protected without public disclosure, infact they can only be protected by law if they are kept confidential.

Industrial Designs

An Industrial Design constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of a useful article (product). An industrial design may consist of three-dimensional features, such as the shape or surface of an article, or two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or colour.

Geographical Indications

A geographical indication (GI) is a distinctive sign used to identify a product whose origin, qualities, reputation or characteristics relate to its geographical origin. In order to function as a GI, a sign must identify a product as originating in a given place.

Since the qualities depend on the geographical place of production, there is a clear link between the product and its original place of production.

The basics of intellectual property policies.

Intellectual property (IP) policies are a set of rules and regulations that govern the creation, use, and protection of IP. They are designed to encourage creativity and innovation and to ensure that IP is used fairly and ethically.

IP policies are a complex and ever-changing area of law. If you are involved in business or creativity, it is important to understand the basics of IP policies and to take steps to protect your IP.

Intellectual Property Violation/ Infringements

Intellectual property (IP) violation or infringement is the use of another person’s IP without their permission. IP violation can have serious consequences, including financial losses, legal penalties, and damage to reputation.

There are many ways to violate IP which are;-

  • Patent infringement is when someone makes, uses, or sells a patented invention without permission.
  • Copyright infringement is where someone copies, distributes or performs copyrighted material without permission.
  • Trademark infringement is when someone uses a trademark that is identical or confusingly similar to another trademark without permission.
  • Trade secret infringement is when someone steals or misappropriates trade secrets, such as confidential business information.

and by knowing these violations, you can avoid IP violations while protecting your own IP rights.

If you believe that your IP has been violated, you should take steps to protect your rights by filing a lawsuit against the infringer or take other steps, such as sending a cease-and-desist letter.

It is important to note that IP violation is a complex issue. If you believe that your IP has been violated, you should consult with an attorney to discuss your options.

You can avoid IP violation through awareness of IP rights, Getting permission, and also apply proper attribution when using someone else’s Intellectual Property.

The benefits of Intellectual Property protection

Intellectual property (IP) protection is the legal framework that protects the rights of creators of Intellectual Property. IP protection is important for economic growth and we need to support it in order to encourage creativity and innovation.

  • IP protection is important for economic growth because it encourages creativity and innovation. By giving creators the exclusive right to use their creations, IP protection allows creators to earn a return on their investment and recoup the costs of developing their creations. This, in turn, encourages more people to create new and innovative works.
  • IP protection encourages creativity and innovation. When creators know that their work will be protected, they are more likely to invest time and resources into developing new ideas. This can lead to new products and services that can benefit society as a whole.
  • IP protection is positively correlated with economic growth as countries with strong IP protection tend to have higher rates of economic growth and IP protection is a key factor in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) which is a key source of capital for developing countries leading to job creation and economic growth. When foreign investors know that their IP will be protected in a country, they are more likely to invest in that country.
  • IP protection can help to improve the efficiency of markets. When IP is not protected, it can lead to market failures. For example, if a company invests in developing a new product, but its competitors can copy the product without permission, the company may not be able to recoup its investment. This can lead to less innovation and less economic growth.

Who can benefit from Intellectual Property knowledge; —

  • Various Individuals in the innovation ecosystem like Innovators, Inventors, artists, business technologists, software developers/engineers, startup founders, investors, and researchers who, with key Intellectual Property knowledge like how and why you should, protect your creations can command a good market share of the economy in their respective geographical locations and industries.
  • Policymakers, legal professionals, and licensing and technology transfer professionals with good knowledge of the intellectual property system (Rights & Laws) can use the available resources to help their clients, their organizations, or overall brands gain a competitive edge in the marketplace or economy.
  • Academicians, scholars, and even educators who through research or preparing relevant learning material can help students understand the role intellectual property plays in their future careers as they get ready to join the global economy or set scholarly academic roadmaps.

The Philosophy of Intellectual Property

The philosophy of intellectual property (IP) is a complex, ever-evolving field and a controversial issue. There are a number of different arguments for and against IP protection, and the debate on the philosophy of IP is likely to continue for many years to come.

Common arguments in favour of IP protection include;

  • Incentives for creativity and innovation: IP protection is often seen as a way to incentivize creativity and innovation. By giving creators the exclusive right to use their creations, IP protection allows them to earn a return on their investment and recoup the costs of developing their creations. This, in turn, encourages more people to create new and innovative works.
  • The reward for labour: IP protection is also seen as a way to reward creators for their labour. When creators spend time and effort developing new ideas, they should be able to benefit from their work. IP protection helps to ensure that creators are rewarded for their labour.
  • Public good: IP protection can also be seen as a way to promote the public good. By encouraging creativity and innovation, IP protection can lead to new products and services that benefit society as a whole. For example, IP protection for pharmaceutical companies has led to the development of new drugs that have saved millions of lives.

Common arguments against IP protection include; —

  • Exclusivity: IP protection can lead to exclusivity, which can stifle competition and innovation. For example, when a company has a patent on a new drug, it may be the only company that can produce and sell that drug. This can lead to higher prices for consumers and less competition.
  • Misuse: IP protection can also be misused. For example, companies may use IP protection to stifle competition or to prevent others from using their ideas. This can harm consumers and stifle innovation.
  • Public domain: Some people argue that IP should be in the public domain, meaning that it should be freely available for everyone to use. This would allow everyone to benefit from new ideas and inventions, regardless of who created them.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to support IP protection is a complex one. There are a number of factors to consider, including the potential benefits and drawbacks of IP protection, as well as the specific circumstances of each case.


Intellectual property (IP) protection is the legal framework that protects the rights of creators of IP, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names and images used in business.

By giving creators the exclusive right to use their creations, IP protection allows creators to earn a return on their investment and recoup the costs of developing their creations. This, in turn, encourages more people to create new and innovative works.

As an innovator, entrepreneur, business actor, policy maker, or creator of any kind to mention but a few, equipping yourself with the necessary knowledge to protect and capitalize on your Intellectual Property (IP) is no longer an option.

Reading Reference & Resources


This content is sourced and curated for learning purposes. I personally struggled to find relevant sources to read from when educating myself about intellectual property and for that reason, I decided to write a few articles on the information I had collected from various sources while reading and learning about intellectual property.

Feel free to leave a comment as your insights can be a source of new information for me or another reader of this article.



ᗰṳhumuzå ₱ɨuṩ
ᗰṳhumuzå ₱ɨuṩ

Written by ᗰṳhumuzå ₱ɨuṩ

An IT Engineer•• Bibliophile•📚 • { Into Books, Tech, Basketball, Coffee, Food & minding my business!🥹}

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